If Mike expected her to leave the room while he began dressing, he was in for a disappointment. She helped him put on the items she had brought, adjusted the slip, and stuffed the bra with paper to give him the proper outline.

"Now before you put on your dress, we must do something to the face, monsieur." she said. "Sit down and I shall see what can be done." A tweezer appeared from nowhere and she plucked his eyebrows giving them a clean curved outline, then a bit of lipstick to his lips and a touch of rouge to the cheeks and finished off by powdering over.

"Not bad,” she admired, "Let me help you with the dress and be very careful not to smear your makeup. Then we will see what we can do for the coiffure."

A bright colored bandana was wrapped turban style around his head and two dangling gold earrings were attached to his earlobes. "Voila," she said with a satisfied smile, "now, with shoes and a purse, and we will be ready to leave early in the morning." She then gave him a pair of open toed shoes with ankle straps to put on and a large imita- tion leather purse in which he placed his few personal belongings.

"Monsieur, we are almost ready for our departure for Paris, but we must wait until Roger returns with your 'carte d' identity. Would you like to see what you look like Michael?" With this remark she led him to a mirror so that he could see himself and the being that looked back at him was no one that he had ever seen before. An awkward looking female, neither pretty nor ugly reflected back at him, but now for the first time he was aware of the feel of the feminine garments he was wear- ing. The stretch of the bra across his chest, the elastic of the waistband of his panties, the soft feel of the dress as it outlined his new-found figure, and the feeling was not unpleasant. He had to admit that he felt that he could get by for a short time if no one observed him too closely.

A short while later they were joined by Roger who presented Mike with his new identification. Her name was Michele Duval, occupation- typist, residence Paris, and gave also his age and weight as well as height.

In the time that remained to them before the coming of morning, Colette instructed Michele how to walk with short steps, how to sit down as a woman would, how to hold her purse and what to do with hands that had no pockets in which to hide. In brief as much information